The acrobot is a like a mini-segway – it balances on just two wheels, and can even compensate for pretty big external disturbances (like me poking it in this video). I built the acrobot with my great teammates Joe Polin …

UPenn Mechatronics – Robockey!
UPenn’s Mechatronics course, MEAM 410/510, was one of the most intense and rewarding courses of my academic career, and allowed me to create some pretty cool robots over the course of the semester. Mechatronics is the synergistic integration of mechanics, electronics, control …
Modular Boats
Modular Boats ASME paid the UPenn ModLab a visit and took some videos of projects going on in the lab. Here you can see Jon Greco and I showing off some modular boat robots for the DARPA TEMP Project (Tactically …
Ping-pong, snacks, and segways: on startup culture
I have to admit, I’ve always been a little skeptical of the idea of the “fun-loving tech startup” — companies full of geeks lounging on bean bag chairs and playing ping-pong. The idea that a pampering environment could stimulate creativity …
NYC Music Hackathon
I had a great time this Saturday at the NYC Music Hackathon, where I hacked, coded, and generally made a lot of very strange sounds for many hours. I teamed up with my fellow Knewton intern Dylan Sherry to hack together some cool …
Internship at Knewton
Today rounds out my first week at Knewton, where I’ll be interning this summer. Knewton is a medium-sized (~80 people) tech startup in Manhattan that makes adaptive learning software. Knewton’s software uses intelligent algorithms to direct students through modular course …
Hello World!
Welcome to my site! There’s not much here now, but soon there will be!

Kinematic Retargeting
Kinematic Retargeting is a process by which a pose or motion may be translated from one platform (robot, human, or embodied virtual agent) to another. The challenge in this task is that platforms may have different limb lengths, numbers of …